Thursday, May 24, 2012

Prioritize in this Hour!


Prioritize in this Hour!

Did I not say that I would be with you?  Did I not say that I would lead, guide and direct you by My Spirit?  I will lead and guide you into all truth.  Fear not that which is coming on the earth.  Fear not that which you read.  Fear not that which you hear, fear not but put your trust in Me. I will order your steps. I am the Lord and have all under My control. The nations are in turmoil. The United States has need of Me but so do the other nations of the world. I am Lord even of the nations and though the enemy is going on a rampage, his time is short. It will be shortened for the elects sake. Prepare in the preparation of your heart. Time with Me is well spent. My joy and peace will prevail as you put your hand in mine and trust Me.

Take stock of your lives and prioritize that which is important for My Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is what is important and the need for those called to Kingdom of life to be brought in. Pray for the salvation of the lost, pray for the body of Christ to come out of the world and pray without ceasing for those in authority over you.  Fear not those that can kill the body but fear the Lord and trust me. 

I am the victory that overcomes the world, even your faith. Read My Word for the enemy seeks to distract with much in this season.  He is distracting my children with endless things of this world to have them caught up and caring for these things.  It is required of a steward that a man be found faithful.  Be faithful to the end. See through My eyes and hear through My ears. Pray to see, pray and ask for the ability to hear. Call on My name and in your desperation I will answer.

Do not look at that which is seen but look at that which is unseen. See My Kingdom that is within you. Live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit, dwell in Me and I will dwell in you fully. Take My Sword and use it to cut through the works of darkness. Cut through with My Sharp Sword! Wield it! Use it wisely and win. The hour is late. Turmoil and extreme darkness are on the face of the earth and men do not see it for their deeds are evil. Pray for protection, pray for light to be seen in the dark hour ahead.

Fear not, fear not, fear not but rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb's book of life. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard that which is prepared for those I love. Nations will fall, Kingdoms will fall, but My Kingdom will be ushered in and will last forever. I Jesus am Lord of all and only those that walk in holiness before Me will enter in.  Reaping and sowing are laws of My Kingdom and the Word is written on the table of your heart.  Live in My Word, My Kingdom Word rules in this hour and will never fail. The Word of God prevails now and for all eternity.  

April 10, 2012

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