Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Jerusalem Order and Authority

New Jerusalem Order and Authority

By Ron McGatlin

All authority rests in the throne of God and is given to Christ Jesus. The mature or well-trained army of God marches by love in rank and file in the order and plan of God from heaven. God is not the author of confusion in His people.

God is the author of confusion among those who are in the flesh or of another spirit. A word from Spirit God can send the army of the enemy into confusion and chaos.

An immature or not yet well-trained army of good people seeking to serve God may enter into confusion when the word or command from the Spirit conflicts with their remaining residue of natural fleshly desires and mindsets.

God's kingdom army is an army of love. The love of God in His people is the ultimate motivation to become a living sacrifice unto God. The experience of His love constrains us to leave our past lives, to serve God with our whole hearts and to not love our lives unto the death, Rev 12:11.

The army of God is being shaped and trained for the season ahead. A good soldier surrenders his will and his way to the will of God. Christ Jesus is the supreme leader of God's army. A good soldier will not entangle himself with the affairs of this life. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. ~ Paul

In a natural army, soldiers in training are abruptly removed from the things of "this life" and subjected to something called "boot camp." For most, this is a painful time of leaving the comforts of their past life and entering into learning obedience by the things they suffer. The soldiers learn to take authority over their natural desires and endure the pain of being trained to follow the will and instructions of the leader of the army, even to the point of losing their lives for a cause that is considered worthy. Those who do well are promoted to mature leadership in the army. (I believe you sense the parallel with the spiritual army of God.)

The greatest soldier of all in the army of God is the man Christ Jesus.

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, Phil 2:5-11.

Elder (mature son) Training

Elders in the army of God are being trained to fully flow the kingdom authority that is flowing by the Spirit from the throne of God. We are being trained to not overstep our given or assigned sphere of service into adjacent areas or spheres that are not assigned to us. God's continuous spiritual communication lines must be fully connected into our spirits. It is more than urgent that we be able to fully hear God's instructions and guidance at all times. It is also imperative that we be responsive in a timely manner. If we fail to move in the time directed, the moment will pass and the instruction will be invalid out of its time.

Explosively Urgent Season of History  

Personally, I well remember the first days of World War 2. In a matter of days a massive nation at rest came alive after the attack on Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941. The whole nation seemed to abruptly jump into action. There was an explosion of activity as the whole nation leaped instantly into full-out war effort. Hundreds of thousands of men lined up the next day to join the military. With unbelievable speed factories were converted into production of war goods. Shipyards became alive and all of industry swung into full gear. Every household was involved in the effort to save our nation from foreign occupation and stop the aggressors who had already taken over many nations with tyrannical rule.

It is my opinion that we are spiritually at a more explosive time than ever recorded in history. We have entered the season of world harvest in which the seed of the evil one and the seed of Christ Jesus planted in the hearts of man are reaching full maturity. The fullness of all things is before us in the season we have now entered.

Can a nation come forth in a day? The spiritual nation of the Kingdom of God is exploding into fullness and the world including much of the "church" does not even know it. Hearts of godly people are being invaded with the fullness of the kingdom of God. Fire and urgency of intense self-sacrificing love is flooding the souls of men, women, boys and girls. Unexplainably, there is GREAT confusion and frustration coming into the hearts and lives of many people that are yet involved with mixture. It is God that is destroying the inner peace of soldiers yet entangled with the affairs of their past lives. God will not give rest until His people are fully lined up at the recruiting stations of heaven to be trained for the spiritual war for the world and its people.

Now is the day of salvation. There is no more time for casual life as usual. The powerful presence of God is calling and the joy of the Lord awaits the purified holy army of humble servants of God filled with His love and life. The angels are ready and waiting for the great celebration of fulfilled victory now at the beginning. It is done and the work of the Lord is finished. Praise Him and receive your weapons of spiritual war to love the world into submission to God and forever bind the enemy from the land. The army of God is coming together in the spiritual realm. Spiritual forces are marching forth to speak the living powerful creative words of God to overcome and transform His people and the world around them.

The Sword of the Lord comes,

Ron McGatlin

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