Israel Came to Kadesh Barnea
by Ron McGatlin
There is a fresh move of God before us. The wind of the Spirit will blow upon the fires of God wherever a spark of revival ignites the spirits of those who seek God with their whole hearts.
The joy of the Lord awaits those who will make room for the Holy Spirit to fill their hearts and lives with the life of Christ – those who will unreservedly yield their lives as living sacrifices to be transformed by the renewing of their minds to the mind of Christ. The promise of empowered life by the grace of God unto righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit awaits those who will enter by faith into God’s promised kingdom life.
Failure to Enter the Promised Land
Moses led the children of Israel through the wilderness from slavery in Egypt to Kadesh Barnea at the edge of the Promised Land.
Deu 1:19: "So we departed from Horeb, and went through all that great and terrible wilderness which you saw on the way to the mountains of the Amorites, as the LORD our God had commanded us. Then we came to Kadesh Barnea.
The chosen people of God were free from the bondage of severe servitude as slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt. They had miraculously come through the great and terrible wilderness to the edge of the promised land of freedom. Yet, they were not able to get free from the restraints of the slave mentality that was within them. Though they experienced the miracle working power of God delivering them from Egypt and through the wilderness, they were still thinking like powerless slaves and did not perceive the awesome power and love of God that was with them to strengthen them to possess the land.
Instead of going in and possessing the land, they sent twelve spies in to spy out the land to evaluate the strength of the inhabitants to see if they would be able to take it, though God had already told them that He had given them the land. Of the twelve spies ten came back with a bad report of what they saw in the land. They saw it was a fruitful and bountiful land. However, with their slave’s mentality they looked with their natural eyes upon the giants in the land and apparently disbelieved the promise of God.
The potential was there to enter into the promised life with God in the land of righteousness, peace, and joy. Two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, believed God and tried to encourage the people that God was with them to give them strength to take the land.
You know the story, how that the people believed the bad report and all the people turned back to the wilderness for forty years of wandering. The ten spies that brought the bad report suddenly died with the plague and only Joshua and Caleb remained. Every adult person who had received the bad report died over the next forty years in the wilderness having never entered the land of God’s provision.
The entire generation of people failed to enter the promises of God because of the ten who brought the bad report. The bad report of a few had prevented a multitude from entering the greater provision and freedom of God. Only their children who grew up in the wilderness were free from the slave mentality and willing to fully enter into the promise of the Father.
Entering the Promised Spiritual Kingdom Now
We have seen and are seeing this scenario played out again and again. A few who are unwilling or unable to be set free of their present lives of religious prideful mentalities and personal insecurities, take a look at the new land of Holy Spirit outpouring and give an inaccurate bad report of what God is doing. Thereby, at least for a season, they not only fail to enter, they also prevent others from entering into the outpouring of the Spirit of God that is bringing the kingdom of God life now to those who will receive it.
Cities and regions may be affected by the viral spreading of bad reports about the reality of what God is doing. People believe the fearful reports of the spies and never experience the fullness of the truth of the kingdom of God in their lives now.
These people may have come a long way across the wilderness from their past religious bondage or worldliness, yet they are unwilling to release the remaining traditional views from the past that occupy their “promised land” within themselves. They may have traded their bondage to religious systems for another inner bondage of believing that what they desire of the kingdom life is not available to them in this season.
They may be excitedly but erroneously looking ahead to sometime in the future when they believe God will make the kingdom life that they desire available to them or their descendents. In so doing they miss the outpouring of God’s Spirit that is now bringing the life that they desire and with their critical reports they lead others to miss it as well. Their reports tend to squelch the move of the Spirit by turning people back to their belief that what they have is all there is for them now in this season.
The Power of the Eternal Word
Those who listen only to God and seek Him at any cost are overcoming their lingering religious mentalities. They are overcoming their preconceived ideas of what the outpouring of the Spirit and the coming of the kingdom should look like. They are entering into the realm of the Spirit and receiving the spiritual kingdom of God now.
The eternal Word, Christ Jesus, is alive in them by the Spirit of God. The fire of the living Word is burning within and pouring out in prophetic truth that releases the fire of God to burn away the past and release the excitement of the life of God alive and flowing again. Only God can produce such flaming truth that in one moment ignites a real fire from heaven in us, transforming everything and bringing extreme life of God in and through us.
These become laid-down lovers of God. Their previous mind sets and preconceived notions based on natural and religious life apart from living by and walking in the Spirit are wiped away by the glory of the kingdom of God lifestyle. Their love for God and His love in them for others erase all their doubts and fears of unreservedly yielding all they are and all they have unto God to be used as He chooses.
His desires become our desires.
Natural human desires fade in the light of His glory and the presence of His Spirit that fills our spirit and soul. There is no desire to strive or connive to gain or achieve anything in this life. There is no need for more of anything temporal to be fully satisfied and filled with joy of the Lord.
The values of human social order and pretending are repulsive in the reality of His presence and provision. In God’s spiritual kingdom, the masks and fake love of insincere and deceptive human sociality with all of its lies of phony peace and empty flattery have no place in the presence of the love of God. Life is full and truly abundant whether we have much or little of this world’s goods. Our weakness becomes His strength as the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, empowers us to overcome and walk in victory over all the works of the flesh and the devil.
His love in us by His Spirit fills us to overflowing with love that is real and endures all things. The outpouring of the Spirit is an outpouring of love that leads to great faith and joyous hope that releases power to rule in righteousness. Thus, the kingdom of God is upon the earth in glory.
The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. ~ Paul
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. ~ Paul
Keep on pursuing Love. Love never fails
and His kingdom never ends.
Ron McGatlin
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